We made our directorial debut with this trailer, as we took on dual roles as creative directors and co-directors for our first full CG film. This spooky little trailer teased the much-anticipated release of the new game and was launched with a series of character-driven NFT’s.

Welcome to Clementine's Nightmare!


Thanks to our friends at Petrol Advertising and ROAR Post, we had another opportunity to collaborate in co-directing a series of digital spots for JBL. Gamers everywhere will be coveting the re-imagined fan-favorite gaming headphones from JBL. To be honest, so were we as we worked on this project. The JBL Blue headphones are designed to create a fully immersive sound experience to enhance your game play from every soft footstep to a mega-sonic explosion. 


It all starts with a conversation. So let’s have one. With no obligations and no pressure. Because that’s how all great relationships should begin.